When I'm not writing pieces for my clients, I love to blog here for my own site.
You can select a category to view all entries in that category, or you can scroll down this page to see all the newest entries.
Skincare tips, makeup tricks, product reviews, and tutorials so you can look fierce with and without makeup.
In-depth guides, secret formulas, and industry secrets to help maximize your profits while doing what you love.
Issue #3 of my Freelance Without Filters Newsletter, written FOR neurodivergents, BY a neurodivergent.
Got a pile of courses collecting dust? I did too. That's why I design courses for ADHDers: Simple quizzes and systems to help you focus on earning real money.
Copywriting and content writing are 2 of the most accessible freelance skills out there, especially for ADHDers. But they're very different! Read to learn more.
Continue reading "Copywriting Vs. Content Writing: 5 Major Differences You Need to Know"
Issue #2 of my Freelance Without Filters Newsletter, written FOR neurodivergents, BY a neurodivergent.
Issue #1 of my Freelance Without Filters Newsletter, written FOR neurodivergents, BY a neurodivergent.
Got ADHD? Sick of feeling like your neurodivergence is a drawback, not an asset? Sign up for my emails! I teach ADHDers like you to create freelance businesses.
Services vary wildly from one expert to another. Here, you can read about all of my services... and the benefits you'll enjoy from each one.
Continue reading "Services Offered By Shelby Dennis, Your Freelance Beauty Copywriter"
Do you feel called to writing, but don't know how to start? I've been there. Check out my list of 4 signs you're ready to become a freelance writer.
Continue reading "4 Signs You're Ready to Become a Freelance Writer"
Honest reviews about me-- Shelby Dennis, your freelance beauty copywriter.
Continue reading "Testimonials About Shelby, Your Freelance Beauty Copywriter"