A lot of people in my life—people who do truly love me—hate
to watch movies with me.
By now, you probably know that I’m pretty vocal about
having ADHD. And especially if you’re neurodivergent too, you may have some
guesses as to why movies are a problem.
Needing to pause it every 15 minutes? Guilty as charged (sometimes
I can go for a full 30, though!)
Feeling like I can’t hear the actors unless the subtitles
are on? Almost always true.
But the real reason—the reason no less than 10 people in my
life have gotten frustrated with me—is because I can see a plot twist coming
from 1,000 miles away.
Within the first 20 minutes, I know who the killer is, who’s
the secret daughter of which characters, and who’s going to pair up by the end.
But this email isn’t to gripe about how no one will watch
Knives Out with me!
It’s to make a point about how our unique ADHD brains see
connections. Because funny story…
My movie prediction skills make it really easy
to know what my clients need.
And if you have this skill too, it’d be a huge asset
to your own business.
Quick example: I’m a one-woman-show, so I do all my own
invoicing. Around Christmas last year, a client’s accountant emailed me—which
was unusual.
“Hey Shelby, would it be at all possible to get this
month’s invoices before the 31st, so I can process them before the
New Year? It’d make my taxes a lot easier.”
The thing is… I already always sent invoices before the
31st. So what was she really asking?
If you have ADHD, you probably know the “feeling.” The
tingle or inkling you get when someone isn’t saying what’s on their mind.
Within about 10 seconds, I realized: She’s probably taking
the week between Christmas and New Year’s off, and she actually wants
the invoices before this Friday, December 20.
So, I sent them before the day was over.
Almost immediately, I had a response from her in my inbox: “You
are the best!! Merry Christmas!!”
Now, I know that in reality, I can’t truly have known that’s
what she wanted to say.
But I felt like it was.
And it made her happy.
What could be better than that?
Owning your own business…
Working from home on your own terms, and…
Instead of pissing off some boss who wants you in the office
for no freakin’ reason…
You’re making the jobs of real people easier and more
What are your thoughts on owning your own business? I know
you might’ve tried it before, or even be making a go of it now!
I ask because I’m hosting a LIVE, one-hour workshop of my
Confidence Compass system. This is a system I created after years of
bouncing between business ideas, and I've used it to make business decisions every since.
By the end, you’ll know the ONE most profitable freelance
skill or service you should offer—and it’ll be one that makes you happy,
provides reliable income, and keeps you form getting bored…
Even if your ADHD has made it impossible to do this thing
for real in the past.
Interested? Contact me to let me know, or click here to learn more! This is a pilot program
that I’ll only be offering live once before I turn it into a self-paced course
with recorded videos and all that jazz.
Until next week, keep guessing those movie plots! It’s a
great way to hone your intuition, one of your biggest superpowers.