If You Want to Build a Thriving Freelance Business Without the ADHD Overwhelm...

...then join my email community of creative ADHD freelancers who are done with imposter syndrome and ready to build the business they've always envisioned.

You'll get practical mindset tools, client-attraction frameworks, and real-talk about the freelance journey – delivered straight to your inbox, and all designed for the magical ways our ADHD brains work. 

(Plus plenty of my own "been there, done that" stories that'll give you a head start on this wild ride.)

Every email is designed to give you one clear, actionable insight you can implement immediately – because I know how badly we need quick wins to propel meaningful progress.

Breaking Free From the "Almost There" Loop

I spent years trapped in a cycle of "almost" launching my freelance business.

Almost reaching out to potential clients.
Almost finishing my portfolio.
Almost believing in myself enough to set real rates.

I'd stay up late crafting the "perfect" pitch email (that I never sent)...

Obsessively check job boards (but rarely apply)...

And constantly wonder if I was good enough (spoiler: I was).

The problem wasn't my skills. It was the 1,000-pound ball of self-doubt chained to my ankle.

Sound familiar?

Then one day, I finally stopped asking "What if I fail?" and started asking "What if I find a way to succeed on my own terms?"

That shift changed everything.

I started treating my brain like the unique, pattern-making supercomputer it is, instead of fighting against my natural tendencies.

I created systems that worked WITH my ADHD rather than against it.

Now? I choose my clients, set my schedule, and earn more than I ever did as an employee – while actually having time to breathe.

I coach creative freelancers to break free from imposter syndrome and build a business that works with your unique brain wiring – not against it.